Joanna Dark infiltrates DEATH BATTLE!

First Appearance: Perfect Dark (May 22, 2000)
Species: Human
Birthplace: Atlanta, GA
Age: 23
Height: 5′ 9″
Occupation: Ex-Bounty Hunter, Secret Agent
AKA: Dark Zero, Agent Dark 

-In her early life, she was usually aggressive and lacks discipline
-Has a hard time trusting strangers
-Later on, she becomes more professional and fearless, making sure to complete her missions
-Usually curious and adores praise
–Doesn’t seem to want to admit her faults and mistakes
-Carries a good amount of snark, even during missions
-Will do anything to reveal any conspiracy and truth from any corrupted corporations to keep them from gaining power and harming innocents
-Is very gifted and adaptable
-Enjoys rock climbing, parkour, dirt-biking, and grav boarding (a combination of surfing, skateboarding, and skitching)
-Is an avid fan of DeathMatch

Skills by VultureDuck

Weapon Expert
effectively use any kind of firearms, melee weapons, throwing weapons, and explosives
–This even includes alien technology
-When she was jumping into her hovercraft, she immediately turned around and shoot the enemies with perfect precision (Shown above)

Hand-to-Hand Combat
-Even without weapons, Joanna can still defend her self with martial-arts
-Can easily knock-out any foe with a few punches and kicks
-Can even do other moves like full-nelsons and headlocks
-Was able to fight 
Roarke with just punches and kicks

-Knows how to past through security and guards without being noticed
-Can get close to anyone without alerting them
-Can climb up to ceilings so enemies won’t see her, as well as getting a surprise attack from above

Climbing Abilities
-Was able to climb up a rocky surface of a tall mountain without losing stamina

Lock Picking
-Can pick any lock, whether it is from normal doors or jail cells, using picks

Arsenal-Abilities by VultureDuck

-Joanna can heal all of her health in an instant without doing anything, as long as she doesn’t get continuously bombarded with attacks and gunfire
–To alliterate, “without doing anything” means that she doesn’t have to use an item or action to do this, making it more like a passive ability
-This is confirmed in the novel, Initial Vector, where after she was badly injured by a grenade, she was able to survive due to her body quickly regenerating

-A vehicle that she can ride on to travel to places faster (or maybe ram people with it)
-Should at least reach to 180+ or 200+ mph

-A tentacle-like device that sends a projection, giving a run-down of her mission as well as reminding her of her current objectives and inventory

-A remote-controlled camera droid that can record any movement and audio stealthfully, useful for knowing secret discussions or meetings
-Has one equipped with 8 rounds of tranquilizers
-Its small size can go through narrow objects
-Can also be used to distract and lure enemies
Has an Electromagnetic pulse for busting electronics, and contains cyclonite to detonate an explosion

Data Uplink
-A mobile device that when close to a terminal (like computers, control panels, and dropships) it will collect the data and send it to the Carrington Institute hackers to hack it
-Can open security doors or turn off security traps (Like lasers wires)
-Can overload the lighting systems in Area 51
–Can even make the steel automatic doors go haywire
-Can bypass security systems, especially from a Skedar Ship
-Can cause Hovercabs and alien ships to move on their own, can even cause them to crash or have it lift off

ECM Mine
EMC Mine
-A mine that when place to an electronic, it will constantly change signals, jamming it in the process
-Useful for ruining security systems

X-Ray Scan
-An optic headwear that allows her to see people or items behind walls or other surfaces
-Even shows which buttons/switches on the device to press or not to press

Night Vision
-A visor that allows her to see through the dark

IR Scanner
IR Scanner
-A visor that can see through the dark, hidden passageways, and cloaked enemies

Door Decoder
-A device that can be attached to a control panel, unlocking any door in the process (like Safe doors)

-An earpiece that allows her to get contacted with others from far away and vise-versa

Horizon Scanner
-A pair of binoculars that allows her to see far ahead

-A radar that helps her track down people, weapons, objects, and locations

Tracer Bug
-A bug that can track a moving object or vehicle by attaching the gadget to it, allowing to know where it is going or where it came from

Comms Rider
-A bug that when attached to a communication relay (like a satellite dish), piggybacks the official signal, enabling the link and send the information to the agent and the institute

-Obtained a Lab coat by taking down a scientist, allowing to disguise herself in Area 51
-Obtained a stewardess uniform by taking down a stewardess, allowing to disguise herself in the Air Base
-In Janus’ Tears, she wears a trench coat and a hat to hide herself

-A device that is the shape of an octopus
-Can grip into a specific lock and will eventually unlock it

Demo Kit
-A device that can be planted to anything and does a timed explosion, giving the user the chance to run away from the eventual blast
-Is powerful enough to destroy walls and hovercrafts

Data Thief
-A device that can go through the securities and hack the electronic
-Can activate passwords, unlock security doors, open paths, can show information and files to the user, and can steal data
-However, the more advanced the security is, the longer it takes for the Data Thief to hack it
–It can be so advanced that the Data Thief would not even work

-A set of binoculars that also can record audio
-Can identify targets

Combat Knife
-A melee weapon used for slashing and stabbing enemies
-Contains a vial of poison, which will spill onto the enemy when thrown
-Can carry 10 knives

-A broad blade used as both a tool and a weapon
-Can slash and stab, and is used to cut through rainforest undergrowth

-A 6.6 ft sword covered in glyphs
-Can do three swings at a time
-Should be able to bypass armor and directly damage the foe
Can form a barrier in front of the wielder to deflect gunfire for about five seconds

-A device that covers a forcefield around Joanna, protecting her from gunfire and melee attacks
-However, absorbing too much damage will eventually break it
-Does not take damage from tranquilizer shots, knife strikes, crossbow arrows, and punches (Though, it might actually take damage if the opponent and/or their weapons are way stronger)

Combat Shield
-A shield that protects her from melee attacks and bullets from small arms like pistols or sub-machine guns (Though there is a limit to how much the shield can protect her from small arms)
-Can use the shield in one hand, and a firearm on another

Body Armor
-Can be worn to increase her defenses
-Will eventually break after enough damage it takes

-Throwing stars that she used against Mike Hunter
-Can bounce off walls before sticking into one

Falcon 17
-A semi-automatic pistol with great accuracy but weak damage
Can throw the magazine ammo to the ground, in which it will proceed to fire bullets at different directions
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 18 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

Falcon 2
-Should be superior to the original Falcon, but does not have the special magazine attribute
-Can dual wield with two of them

-A unique type of the Falcon 2 that makes its gunshots silent

-Has a 2x magnification scope for better aiming
>Magazine Capacity: 8 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

Magsec 4
-A military-grade pistol that inflicts good damage but is inaccurate
-Is equipped with a 2.40x range scope to at least lessen its flaw
-Has a secondary attribute that can fire three bullets each shot, having great stopping power
-In Perfect Dark Zero, can supercharge the bullets to ricochet off walls
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 9 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

DYS57 Magnum
-A dataDyne revolver and is said to be the most powerful handgun in the world
-Has great power with decent to great accuracy
-Feature a decoy shot function to throw off opponents
-Even though it was stated that Joanna hated the weapon and would never use it (Due to reminding her father, who uses said weapon) that was before the first Perfect Dark game, which shows her using it
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 6 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

-A gold-plated version of the DYS57 Magnum
-Far more stronger and accurate than the original, but is far slower
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 6 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

-A dataDyne submachine gun that has a lock-on feature, making sure to perfectly aim their target
-Has an average fire rate of 900 rounds per minute but has weak damage
-In Perfect Dark Zero, I can shoot out a hologram of mimicking the movements of the wielder to trick enemies
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 32 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

-A sub-machine gun with low accuracy for suppression fire and can target large groups
-Can normally fire 900 rounds per minute and can switch to firing 2000 rounds per minute
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 50 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

-An experimental sub-machine gun creating by the Carrington Institute
-Has an average fire rate of 1100 rounds per minute and has a cloaking device feature (Cloak will deactivate once she shoots)
-Has good accuracy
>Magazine Capacity: 120 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

Laptop Gun
-A sub-machine gun and can mask itself as a laptop
-Has a fire rate of 1000 rounds per minute
Can throw or drop the weapon, which will form into a sentry that can fire at enemies (Can also grip to walls)
>Magazine Capacity: 50 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

-A dataDyne assault rifle with a fire rate of 700 rounds per minute
Can have it self-destruct
>Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 400 Rounds

-A different and stronger variation of the Dragon
Can also become a grenade launcher, and of course, shoots grenades
-In Perfect Dark Zero, has a night vision feature
>Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds/6 Grenades
>Max Ammo: 400 Rounds/12 Grenades

K7 Avenger
-A strong dataDyne assault rifle with a fire rate of 950 rounds per minute
Can detect explosives, wallguns, and any similar threats

>Magazine Capacity: 25 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 400 Rounds

-An assault rifle made by Carrington Institute, with decent damage but low accuracy
Equipped with a 3x scope for better aiming
>Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 400 Rounds

-Mainly a dataDyne-made on, better at close range
Can fire two rounds each shot
>Magazine Capacity: 9 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 100 Rounds

Sniper Rifle
-Self-explanatory, better used far away and undetected
-Has a scope for better aiming even at faraway places
>Magazine Capacity: 8 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 400 Rounds

-A long-ranged grenade launcher made by dataDyne
-The grenades are more powerful than the Superdragon’s
Has a magnetic field function around the grenade to stick onto surfaces, can turn it off to make it explode
>Magazine Capacity: 8 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 40 Rounds

Rocket Launcher
-Can fire rockets with great accuracy
Can have a rocket home in on a target, or in Perfect Dark Zero’s case, control it mid-air
>Magazine Capacity: 1 Rocket
>Max Ammo: 3 Rockets

-A semi-automatic pistol that was Joanna’s signature weapon for some time
-Is decent on all categories, can switch to becoming a silencer, and has a built-in flashlight
>Magazine Capacity: 9 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

DEF-12 Shotgun
-A shotgun that does high damage close range and can tear through armor like it’s nothing
Has a built-in radar to see where enemies are in the area
>Magazine Capacity: 6 Shells
>Max Ammo: 80 Shells

-A semi-automatic that is balanced all the way
-Can be modified to use night vision optics, a short-range scope, a silencer, a flashlight, and a red laser dot
>Magazine Capacity: 24 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

UGL Liberator
-An uzi that can also act as a bomb once thrown or dropped
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 24 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

-A sub-machine gun with a fire rate of 900 rounds per minute
-Can pinpoint enemy threats and can reprogram electronic hazards like sentries and security cameras
–Can reprogram the sentry guns to aim at their owners instead
-Magazine Capacity: 40 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

-An assault rifle  with a bayonet attached
Can fire the bayonet like a projectile
-Has a fire rate of 480 rounds per minute
>Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

-A semi-automatic assault rifle that can also act as a silencer and a grenade launcher
-Also has a mounted telescope
-Has a fire rate of 600 rounds per minute
>Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds/1 Grenade
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds/5 Grenades

-A bolt-action sniper rifle with great power and accuracy
-In PD0’s Combat Area, it has an EMP Maker that can scramble any enemy radar
>Magazine Capacity: 1 Round
>Max Ammo: 31 Rounds

-A fully automatic machine gun with a fire rate of 600 rounds per minute
-Can fire caltrops mines that do little damages to foes but can significantly slow them down
–If vehicles run over them, they will be immobilized for a while
>Magazine Capacity: 80 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

-A pistol that is essentially the Falcon 2 with a shorter reload time
>Magazine Capacity: 7 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

A pistol that is essentially the Falcon 2 with a shorter reload time, less accurate, and is loader upon firing
>Magazine Capacity: 8 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

-A sub-machine gun that sucks at every other category
>Magazine Capacity: 20 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

KF7 Special
-An assault rifle with average damage but less accuracy
-Has a zoom-in feature
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 400 Rounds

ZZT 9 mm
-Just a slower CMP-150
>Magazine Capacity: 32 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

-A CMP-150 with less magazine and fire rate, but has better accuracy
>Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

-A strong assault rifle with a zoom-in feature
-Can penetrate soft objects, doors, and enemies
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 30 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 400 Rounds

-A personal defense weapon with a strong rapid-fire, an amazing fire rate, and average accuracy
-Can penetrate soft objects, doors, and enemies
>Magazine Capacity: 80 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

-A machine gun
>Magazine Capacity: 32

-A machine gun
-Stronger than the MG1-16G
>Magazine Capacity: 32

-A machine gun
-Trades in power with a faster fire rate
>Magazine Capacity: 32

-an Uzi
>Magazine Capacity: 32

-A Maian pistol that is somewhat similar to the Falcon 2
-Can fire explosive shells that inflict more damage
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 8 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

Callisto NTG
-A Maian sub-machine gun that can fire 900 energy rounds per minute, and can switch to slower and less accurate but powerful ammo that can penetrate through objects to target enemies taking cover (Fires 300 rounds per minute)
>Magazine Capacity: 32 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

FarSight XR-20
-A powerful rail-gun from the Maians
-Can kill any unprotected enemy with one shot and has fantastic accuracy
Has an x-ray feature to look for targets behind walls
-Can go through walls and other obstacles to snipe targets behind them

>Magazine Capacity: 8 Orbs
>Max Ammo: 100 Orbs

-A powerful heavy pistol for the Skedar
-Shoots energy shots with great accuracy

-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 20 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

-An intimidating two-handed machine gun made by Skedar technology
-has a fire rate of 1800 rounds per minute, but has abysmal accuracy
Has three sharp blades on the front of the gun that can spin like a fan that can saw victims 
>Magazine Capacity: 200 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 800 Rounds

-A powerful, energy sniper rifle with pin-point accuracy and is capable of shooting through walls
-If she fires to many times, then it will overheat and must cool down
-Has an X-Ray feature to look at any person behind any walls or surfaces
>Magazine Capacity: 30
>Max Ammo: 30

-A blaster made from alien technology
-Can disintegrate enemies
-Never runs out of ammo, but needs to slowly recharge before firing again

Plasma Rifle
-Can fire bolts of super-heated plasma
-Powerful and accurate
-The rifle has a self-recharging power source, as such the ammo will refill back when it is not used (refills faster when the wielder stands still)
-Has a fire rate of 120 rounds per minute and has a cloaking device feature 
(Cloak will deactivate once she shoots)
>Magazine Capacity: 5 Rounds
>Max Ammo: 200 Rounds

Psychosis Gun
-An experimental dart gun made by Area 51
-Has really great accuracy but low damage
-Ammo consists of darts with a chemical that, when making contact to its target, will warp their reality; Good becomes evil (as well as vise-versa) and enemies and friends change places
–It mostly makes targets join her side and will always go after her enemies and kill them (If there are no more enemies in a particular room, they will track down enemies from other areas to kill them until there are none of them left)
–If the dart hits that target’s arm or leg, their movements are altered
-Can dual wield with two of them
>Magazine Capacity: 8 Darts
>Max Ammo: 200 Darts

-A Skedar rocket launcher
-Fires deadly rockets with unlimited range
control it mid-air
>Magazine Capacity: 1 Rockets
>Max Ammo: 3 Rockets

-A weapon attached to her wrist, can fire arrows at high speeds by pulling the trigger
-Has two modes: one that can sedate the target, while the other just kills them
>Magazine Capacity: 5 Bolts
>Max Ammo: 69 Bolts

-A firearm that fires darts with pinpoint accuracy
-Has two modes: Can shoot darts that can knock-out a target with little damage, or give them a lethal injection that will eventually kill them
>Magazine Capacity: 8 Sedatives
>Max Ammo: 
200 Sedatives

-A wrist-mounted, cybernetic weapon that can fire laser blasts on enemies
Can switch to a continuous laser beam
-Does not need ammo

Hawk Boomerang
-A sharp disc made by tungsten alloy, along with a glove that carries it
-Can be thrown like a frisbee to slice enemies apart and comes back to its user
-Has a miniaturized anti-gravity to extend its flight time and when it is thrown without a surface or obstacle stopping it, it will go as far as it wants, and will magically come back to its user
-Can generate a force field to protect the user from explosions, like grenades, rockets, mines, barrels, and plasma

-A throwing weapon that involves removing the pin and throws them, causing them to explode after a 4-second timer
-Either has a thin one or a round one (Which is the Fragmentation Grenade)
The thin one has a secondary function that allows it to ricochet off walls before detonating
-Can carry 12 of these

-A neutron bomb that creates a black-color explosion when thrown
-The explosion slowly damages then, as well as making them dizzy and drop their weapons
-Can either have them detonate after impact or have them or have them stay on the ground acting as a proximity mine
-Can carry 10 of these

Timed Mine
-A mine that when placed to a surface, will explode after 4 seconds
-Also can detect threats like explosives
-Can carry 10 of these

Proximity Mine
A mine that when placed to a surface, will explode if an enemy gets too close to it
–If the mine is strapped to an enemy, it acts like a Timed Mine with a shorter fuse
-Also can detect threats like explosives
-Can carry 10 of these

Remote Mine
-A mine that when placed to a surface, will explode as long as Joanna presses the detonator
-Can even stick to enemies
-Can carry 10 of these

-A powerful mine that acts like both a proximity mine and remote mine
-Can carry 5 of them

-A thin grenade that she can throw, emitting a huge, bright flash that blinds enemies
-Can carry 5 of them

-Hospitalized a bullying quarterback when she was a kid
-Can lift metal crates
-Can knock-out or kill people using her fists
-Can destroy G5 Robots, attack helicopters, and a fighter jet with gunfire
-Her guns can destroy body armor into pieces
-Can majorly damage Killian’s hovercraft
-Can break wooden crates by pistol-whipping them
-Destroyed turrets, hovercrafts, giant metal crates, Spiderbots, and Skedar warriors with her guns
-Can move stone tablets
-Fired off an obelisk from the shrine
-Can kill a Graal-powered Zhang Li
Comic Feats
-Can send her fellow agents flying (Graduation Day)
-Can break a man’s nose with chopsticks 
(Janus’ Tears)
-Can beat up men bigger and muscular than her 
(Janus’ Tears)
-Knocked out a sniper with a karate chop 
(Janus’ Tears)
-Can destroy Anti-Tank Drones with her guns, which has Composite Armor with hardened steel 
(Janus’ Tears)

-Can take gunfire/laser fire/energy fire and still fight on
In Perfect Dark GBC game, Can take missiles and still fight
-Escaped Area 51 before the nerve gas gets to her
-Survived a plane crash
-Can take hits from Skedar warriors, who can bend and send steel doors flying just by ramming at them and even trample giant steel blocks
-Can tank heat-induced laser tripwires
-Survived a grenade explosion
-Can withstand hits from a Graal-powered Zhang Li
–Might be able to withstand being hit by a tall pillar, which was thrown by Zhang Li
-Survived an explosion form Zhang Li, which caused the destruction of the temple above the clouds
–She should also survive the fall
Comic Feats
-Withstand a clothesline from Mike Hunter, which caused a wall behind her to for a crater, and she followed up that with a punch to his face (Graduation Day)
-Took hits from Tayst Grifbo before retaliating by kicking him in the balls (Hunting Season)
-Took multiple blows from Roarke and still kept on fighting 
(Janus’ Tears)

-Is able to shoot multiple enemies in a short time
-Is able to dodge gunfire, missiles, laser fire from G5 Robots, Shurikens, and Skedar firearms
-Can dodge projectiles similar to rocket launchers and explosions
-Can go through moving laser tripwires without having them touch her
Comic Feats
-Even when she was in a headlock, she dodged and attack before the test robot tries to shoot her point-blank (Graduation Day)
-Tagged one agent within five minutes (Graduation Day)
-Dodged a bullet even when she was laying down on a hospital bed 
(Janus’ Tears)
-Ducked a punch even when her neck was wrapped around by a chain 
(Janus’ Tears)
-Can run away and evade bullets coming out 30MM Rotary Cannons (Janus’ Tears)
-Can jump and run away from explosions (Janus’ Tears)

-Was trained from birth by her father
-Helped her father with several missions
-Completed her final test of becoming an agent with an A++
-Has killed an endless amount of enemies, even groups of them alone
-Has killed enemies with cloaking devices
-Has killed many warriors of the Skedar, an intelligent and sophisticated alien race that wage war against the Maians for centuries
-In a simulation, Destroyed the CPU from a dataDyne building using the CamSpy, causing the Spiderbots to go out of control
–Helped a bunch of scientists fight off the uncontrollable Spiderbots
-Raided a Night Club and rescued Zeigler from the Triad gang
-Protected her father, Jack Dark, by covering him from high above
-Ended Killian and the Triad Gang for good
Zhang Li’s private mansion, killed some of his personal army, and participated in Deathmatch against his own daughter, Mai Hem
-Raided the Containment Facility, shut down its power generator, and rescued her father (Unfortunately, he was killed)
-Eliminated “The Brothers”
-Assisted Johnathan to steal Zeigler’s program from dataDyne and escaped the Trinity
-Defended the Dropship and rescued the pilot
-Fought Mai Hem, who was using a hovercraft, ending her once and for all
-Terminated Zhang Li, who has used the power of the Graal, gaining supernaturalabilities

-Destroyed an attack helicopter (twice) and even a fighter jet
-Destroyed a spider mech (and another one later on) using laser turrets
-Assassinated Mink Hunter and destroyed his cyborg terrorist operation
-Gun through the Pelagic I, killed Octopus Prime and escaped with a Skedar ship before the vessel exploded
-Assassinated a dataDyne strike team before they destroy the clues of the company’s conspiracy
–Saved hostages in the process
-Raided a dataDyne building and rescued Dr. Caroll
-Saved a negotiator from two dataDyne men
-Rescued Daniel Carrington, who was taken hostage by Cassandra’s men in his private Villa
-Sneaked through Chicago and went through the G5 Building
-Infiltrated Area 51, and later escaped with Elvis the Alien
-Shut the security systems down and in the Air Base
-Convinced the President that Trent was kidnapping him and escorted him to the escape pod
-Traveled through the frozen wasteland, saved the President from Trent, and found Elvis with his UFO crashed
-Killed a clone of the President
-Disabled the primary power of the Pelagic II
–Forced one of the dataDyne men to shut down its GPS and autopilot
-Infiltrated the sunken Cetan ship, disabled the superweapons, and restored Dr. Caroll back to normal (In which he sacrificed himself to deactivate and destroy the ship)
-Rescued some people taken hostage
-Helped the Maians with their assault against the Skedar
-Taken a Skedar ship after killing its troops and their commander
-Killed off the leader of the Skedar
Comic Feats
-Tagged seven agents within 39 minutes and 27 seconds (Graduation Day)
-Stopped a cloning operation (Hunting Season)
-Took care of jetpac wielding bounty hunters (Hong Kong Suprise)
-Fought Roarke even with a bullet wound on her waist (Janus’ Tears)
-Destroyed a few Anit-Tank Drones 
(Janus’ Tears)
-Survived from a multitude of Anit-Tank drones by destroying the one that controls all of them by ramming a car into it 
(Janus’ Tears)
-Evenly fought against 
Roarke (Janus’ Tears)
-Found out that Abbot was the Mole behind the operation, but rather killing him, she decided to help him (Janus’ Tears)

Image result for joanna dark donkey kong mode

-Is still human, and a good amount of gunfire would put her down
-Ammo is limited and has to find more if she doesn’t have extras left 
-Her gadgets can take a while to activate

“What’s life without a little excitement?”

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