Hector devil forges DEATH BATTLE!

First Appearance: Castlevania: Curse of Darkness (November 1, 2005)
Age: 24

Species: Human
Birthplace: Wallachia 
Occupation: Former general of Dracula, Devil Forgemaster, Monster Hunter

-Used to believe that power is the only thing that matters in the world and that it cannot be good or evil
-Even when is his fellow humans treat him poorly before, he did not enjoy killing them, which lead to him betraying Dracula
-Became enraged thanks to Issac framing Rosaly, his wife, that she was a witch, and wants nothing more to kill him; he will even go back using his demonic powers to do so
–During his quest of vengeance, he becomes hotheaded, rude, and distrustful to others who try to keep him from fighting Issac, especially with Saint Germaine
–However, his rage was influenced by Dracula’s Curse, and it took defeating Issac in order to realize it
-Ignoring the rage, he is actually polite and understandable, even during his quest for vengeance
-Loves animals and considers them as his friends
–Will revive their dead corpses and take care of them
-Dislikes humanity due to his rough childhood, but he doesn’t wish their extinction
-Cold and has little patience to those who annoy him, mock him, or slow down his work
-Is very naive and easy to manipulate, he is said to be a child in a man’s body
-After being kidnapped and forced to work against his will in Carmilla’s Castle, he became much more confident and smarter, buying his time to set his plans into motion
-Planted many traps and spells onto Carmilla’s Castle while everyone’s not looking, which allowed Isaac to invade and travel around said castle

Skills by VultureDuck

Weapons Expert
-Can effortlessly wield any different weapon he gets his hands-on, no matter how big or heavy it is
-Can do many different motions and spins with each weapon

Martial-Arts Master
-Even when he is weaponless, Hector can still defend himself with very swift and elegant punches and kicks
-Can do a move similar to the Hurricane Kick from Street Fighter
-Can do multiple jabs in seconds

-Along with being a devil forgemaster, he also can create powerful weapons and armor by collecting the right materials 

Arsenal-Abilities by VultureDuck

Possible Willpower
-Despite being affected by Dracula’s Curse, it didn’t consume him to the point where he becomes a vessel for Dracula
–Hector even realized that the curse was responsible for his anger after his second fight with Issac
-Death states that it is either his need for revenge is weak or that his spirit is strong enough to resist the curse’s effects

Perfect Guard
-If Hector immediately blocks right when the enemy strikes, he will parry the blow and not get hurt by it

-If the enemy leaves themselves wide open, then Hector can get the chance to steal their item

Devil Forging
-A dark power that allows him to create demons using certain materials or conjured matter
-Can turn human corpses into demons
-Can even make his creations obedient and loyal to him
–Can have their creations fight for them
-A devil forger fighting can release their own magic around, which can be so powerful that they can break seals (Like the one in the Infinite Corridor)
-Can even lift curses, like when Hector uses the tortured souls to break Dracula’s curse

Image result for castlevania hector netflix gif
-One of the abilities of Devil Forging
-Can make corpses come back from the dead
-Can control said resurrected corpses
-Has done it with many animals and even the corrupted Bishop

Magic Prison
-With an enchantment, can place magical bars around the target to trap them
-Done so with Lenore

-Has a variety of swords, axes, spears, knuckles, and very unique items in his disposal 

Hector’s Weapons

-Hector’s go-to weapon in the Netflix show
-Used for bashing
-Can infuse energy into the hammer to do Devil-Forging

-A magical relic he has in the Netflix Show
-A box that will have glass shards magically form themselves into a mirror once it opens
-Once activated, It can show its master what they want to see

Escape Channel
-Channeling the power of Devil Forging with a metal symbol, the user can create a barrier that travels through where the fenceposts are placed, making sure that anyone outside of it cannot break it, and anyone inside it will be trapped with the wielder
-Once the barrier travels, anything that the barrier runs over will be destroyed or chopped in half

Innocent Devils
-Demons created by materials and will help their master in need
-Can summon or return them whenever he wants
-Have many attacks and abilities that will benefit their master
–Hector can either have them use their abilities by themselves or command the ability for them
-Each type can evolve in many unique forms
-An ID will disappear after losing all of their health, and the only way to bring them back in action is to find hearts and use it to restore them
-An ID using one fo their abilities sacrifices their health
-Each ID can also increase their master’s stats when they appear
>ID Types: Fairy, Battle, Bird, Mage, Demon, and Pumpkin

Innocent Devils

Night Creatures
-Shows he can create monstrous creatures from hell using the corpse of humans in the Netflix show
–Or at least send demons from hell back to the living
-These demons tower over normal humans and should be physically stronger
-Are extremely loyal to their master
-Created unique beasts to attack the Belmont house, such as a giant minotaur-like beasta humanoid with a sharp lance,chimeras that can breathe fire, and a humanoid-bird hybrid 

Maximilian Armour
Maximillian Armor
-The best armor crafted by Hector
-Has +50 Defense

Cross Helmet
Cross Helmet
-The best helmet crafted by Hector
-Has +26 Defense

Kit Bag
Kit Bag
-Increases the number of accessories that Hector can equip

Purity Ring
Purity Ring
-Protects the wearer from poison

Curse Sealing Ring
Curse Sealing Ring
-Protects the wearer from curses

Medusa Ring
Medusa Ring
-Protects the wearer from petrification

Stun Resist Ring
Stun Resist Ring
-Protects the wearer from Stun

Boiling Ring
Boiling Ring
-Gives the wearer resistance to fire attacks

Absolute Zero Ring
Absolute Zero Ring
-Gives the wearer resistance to ice attacks

Storm Ring
Storm Ring
-Gives the wearer resistance to thunder attacks

Wind Ring
Wind Ring
-Gives the wearer resistance to wind attacks

Earth Ring
Earth Ring
-Gives the wearer resistance to Earth attacks

Light Ring
Light Ring
-Gives the wearer resistance to light attacks

Void Ring
Void Ring
-Gives the wearer resistance to dark attacks

Sixth Sense Brooch
Sixth Sense Brooch
-Allows the wearer to be alerted from enemy attacks

Sacrifice Brooch
Sacrifice Brooch
-Any damage that has been sent to the wearer will go right to their innocent devil

-Makes the user stronger if their Health is low

Rare Ring
Rare Ring
-A ring that increases the wearer’s luck by 10

Death Doll
Death Doll
A doll that when equipped, will die instead of Hector once his health reaches zero, Hector will then have some of his health restored and will come back from battle

Innocent Supporter
Innocent Supporter
-Lower’s the cost of Health when an Innocent Devil uses a special move

Mobius's Brooch
Moebius Brooch
-An accessory from Julia’s shop
-Allows an Innocent Devil to use special moves without depleting Health

-Without equipment, he can still punch so hard that he can shoot out a blast of wind
-Capable of shattering walls
-Beheaded a werewolf
-Kills giant or armored foes
–Defeated the giant Dullahan, Crazy Armor, and Minotaur
-Can swing massive swords like no one’s business
-Can push giant switches
-Is able to destroy stone torches
-Is able to make pillar-sized gear shafts spin by attacking them
-Can release a giant gear from its contraption by attacking it
-Able to damage and defeat the likes of 
Issac, Trevor Belmont, Saint Germain, Death, and Dracula
-Is able to send Issac’s The End to the ground by punching it
-Destroys most of Issac’s Innocent Devils
-Can free himself from petrification

-Was fatally injured during his escape, but survived enough for Rosaly to save him
-Tanks hits from massive foes like the Iron Gladiator, Ogres, Dullahan, Minotaur, and Crazy Armor
–The Minotaur can easily lift a massive pillar and can wack Hector with it
-Takes any kind of elemental attacks and explosions
-Can survive being cursed or poisoned, and gets healed from it later
-Survive hits from Issac, Trevor Belmont, Saint Germain, Death, and Dracula
-The Netflix show has him being beaten up by Carmilla

-Able to dodge arrows and lightning attacks
-Keeps up with swift enemies like Harpies, Lizardmen, Skeleton Blaze, Fleamen, and Dead Fencers/Barons
-Keeps up with the likes of Issac, Trevor Belmont, Saint Germain, Death, and Dracula
–Saint Germain has the ability to stop time
-Ducked under Issac’s The End rushing towards him
-Is very agile and can perform rolls and backflips in quick succession
-Can do rapid attacks in quick succession with some weapons

-Was “saved” by the animals by burning the church, taking his family and neighbors with them
-Went to Dracula’s Castle and learned its dark powers
-Became a master of Devil forgmastery, even creating and taming the powerful demon, The End
–A Devil Forger is said to be equal to Death himself
-Became one of Dracula’s generals, and is considered the most favorite
–This made Issac appreciate him and be jealous towards him
-Betrayed Dracula by escaping the castle and killing his demons
-Befriended and even married Rosaly
-Saved Rosaly and Ted from a werewolf
-Went through many different castles and locations just to get his revenge on Issac
-Slain many powerful monsters like the Wyvern, Minotaur, Dullahan, and even Legion
-Fought Issac twice, which he defeated him in their rematch
-Fought Trevor Belmont, while he lost the first time, he proved himself worthy in their rematch
-Defeated Saint Germain, a wielder of time, and he promises that he won’t interfere anymore
-Defeated Death and Dracula
–Though it was stated that Dracula was not in his full power
-Broken Dracula’s curse with his final forge
-Stayed with Julia in her shop at the end of the game
-Sat on many unique chairs and look good doing so

Netflix Feats
-In his early childhood, burned down his own home along with his parents
-Resurrected many dead animals and created many demons
-Was one of the few humans Dracula can trust, and even ask him to join his army as one of his generals
-Resurrected the Bishop to purify a body of water for Carmilla

-Can only use one Innocent Devil at a time
-Using an Innocent Devil’s abilities drains their health
–Less of a problem with Innocent Supporter, and absolutely not a problem with 
Moebius Brooch
-Must look around the area to find more hearts
-If an Innocent Devil does not appear, then Hector loses his stat buffs
-Is a pushover in the Netflix adaptation

“Have you forgotten? I am a devil forgemaster. I can turn your curse aside… Transform it into something harmless… And so it shall be. Rest in peace.”

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