Today’s not DEATH BATTLE’s day once Hibana enters the scene!

First Appearance: Nightshade (December 4, 2003)
Species: Human
Homeplace: Oboro Village, Japan
Occupation: Ninja, Shinobi Agent (Formerly), Rouge Shinobi
AKA: The Oboro’s Scarlet Heiress

-Because of her troubled past, she comes off as bitter and cold, even towards her superiors
–In the inside, she is filled with sorrow
-While she is an expert of her craft, she is not passionate and interested in her job
-Will often quip during her missions, with her favorite line being: “Today’s just not my day.
-Used to hated her former mentor Jimushi after his betrayal
–Though she still weeps for him after his death
-Despite her negative thoughts, she still fights for what is right and does what she can to stop any bad guy from achieving world domination
-When something becomes personal for her, she will go against her current mission to do her own instead
-Found out that the government agency she was working for was actually from The Nakatomi Conglomerate, the same agency that she had to go up against during the whole adventure
-Taking her master’s advice, she became a rogue shinobi and lives her own code of honor and justice

Skills by VultureDuck

Ninja Master
-Is very nimble and agile
-Can perform very professional and elegant spins and tricks
-Should also know about stealth, infiltration, sneak attacks, and ambushing
-Has pinpoint accuracy, as she timely landed on an invisible aircraft
-Can cling and run on walls
-Can jump on rooftop to rooftop
-Can do chain attacks on the air
-Mastered a couple of Ninjitsu arts

Arsenal-Abilities by VultureDuck

-Headgear that not only hides her identity but also contains a strap with advanced properties
-Has a built-in map system
-Can detect indivisible objects (Maybe even people)
-Can reveal the name of her targets
–As well as their height, weight, and blood type
-Has a zoom-in feature
-Can communicate with her superiors

Nightshade | Canto Gamer
-A katana that is a replica of Akujiki
-A katana with no noticeable abilities
-Can execute devastating slashes
-At the end of the game, she replaced it with the actual Akujiki

Futaba Blades
-Dual short blades with spikes on the handles
-While not as strong as Utsushiyo, it can execute faster, continuous slashes and strikes
-Can even spin them like a propellor

-A powerful and cursed katana that she has at the end of the game
-Also known as the Soul Eater
-Said to give the master absolute power
-Devours the souls of men who are slain by the weapon
-The blade becomes stronger if it consumes souls tainted with Yin (Which is anything related to evil)
-There’s a possibility that the wielder will have their life-force taken by the sword if its hunger is not satisfied

-Kunai that she can throw at high speeds
-Will always stun the enemy if they get hit by it
-Has limited ammo

Double Jump
-Is able to jump again mid-air, allowing her to reach greater heights

Stealth Dash
-Allows her to do a quick rush forward, making it good for dodging attacks or advancing quickly
-Can do it on the air
-Can do it as many times as she wants
-Can even break objects

Makimono Scroll
-Scrolls that allows the wielder to perform Ninjutsu arts
-Using a spell wastes a scroll
ummons an explosion of fire around her
-Grants her invincibility for a short period of time
-An exclusive spell for Hibana and Hisui
-Allows Hibana to fire six pressurized air projectiles at a time

-Can summon two or more transparent copies around her, in which the copies will turn into energy and be fired into linear shockwave projectiles

-Kicked away a missile, causing it to hit an enemy aircraft instead
–Can redirect missiles back on the enemy aircraft several times
—Did the same thing with a battleship
-Able to stand on a speeding aircraft with little issue
-Can destroy machines in half
–Destroyed sentry robots the size of tanks
-Can finish off Hellspawn and can even break their armored shells into pieces
-Delivered deep cuts on Kurohagne’s cyborg body
-Breaks control panels into pieces with one kick
–Also able to do it with storage tanks
-Can shatter big metal cabinets with her sword
-Can take care of debris blocking the way
-Slices cages and giant, metal doors into pieces
-Destroys cars
-Can break free from being frozen

-Survives turret fires and missile strikes
–Onibi’s missiles, in particular, can blow up trucks
-While taking a piece of Akujiki, she took having its power spread around her for a few seconds
–She even stated that it felt like it was sucking the life out of her
–After that, she had no problems gathering the other broken pieces
-Takes hits from Kurohagne
–Kurogane’s shurikens are powerful enough
–Kurogane can summon a massive laser blast out of his chest
-Survives in the middle of explosions
-Powers through hits from Hellspawn
-Tanks hits from a giant centipede Hellspawn
-Withstands energy/electricity attacks from many Hellspawn
-Withstands fire attacks from Onibi
-Powers through the heat from laser traps
-Takes fire geysers and fire shockwaves from a moth-like Hellspawn
-Takes blows from Hisui, who is strong enough to one-shot a large-class Hellspawn
-Gets hit by ice moves but has no problem with its coldness
-Felt no damage after by being strangled by Kurohagne and crashed through the ceiling
-Not effective from falling to long heights

-Can zoom through the air as if she is flying
-Was able to catch up on and stand on an invisible aircraft
-Is possible that she can slice multiple enemies in a chain before they all can register the attack
-Dodges machine gunfire
-Kicked a missile before it hit her
-Jumped away from explosions
-Can leave afterimages of herself
-Deflected a kunai coming straight at her at high speeds
-Dodges Kazaguruma’s wind blades and tornadoes
-Dodges energy/electricity blasts from a Large-class hellspawn
-Moves away from a turret’s laser fire
-Escaped a facility before it blew up while facing Hellspawn and sentries on the way
-Deflected a surprise attack from 
-Elegantly swayed between both Kurohagne’s missile and Hisui’s parasol projectile at the same time
-Run past several weapons rising above the ground
-Keeps up and dodges attacks from Jimushi, Hisui, and Kurohagne
–Kurogane himself can summon laser beams from the sky

-During her time in the Mukuro clan, trained enough to become the prodigy in the Oboro Ryu shinobi arts
–So much so that Jimushi gained interest and made her his pupil
-Worked with Shinobi Agency and completed their missions
-Raided and destroyed Nakatomi aircrafts
-Exterminated many mercenaries and hellspawn
–Defeated large hellspawn powered by pieces of Akujiki
-Collected many fragments of the cursed sword, Akujiki
-Slain many enemies while jumping truck to truck
-Bested Kurohagne thrice
–Killed him in their last fight, where he was powered by Akuijki’s fragments
-Killed Kazaguruma and Onibi
-Defeated Jimuishi, her old master
-Bested Hisui and even saved her from falling after the fight
-Traversed through the remains of the Golden Palace, where the Hellspawn lives and destroyed the source of their invasion
-Offered the Shinobi Agency she used to work with her ordinary katana 
Utsushiyo, not knowing that it’s not Akujiki
-Becomes the new owner of the cursed blade and decided to become a rogue ninja from now on

-Shurikens and Ninjitsu are limited
-Threw her visor away at the end of the game

-Keeping Akujiki is a risk of itself
-Cannot spam the Afterimage projectiles

“Heh…Such a perfect evening for a picnic, too. Today’s just not my day.”

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