Gruntilda enchants a spell, giving DEATH BATTLE living hell!

First Appearance: Banjo & Kazooie (June 29, 1998)
AKA: Wart Brain, Winky, Grunty, Cauldron Butt, Jelly Belly, Hog Breath
Witch, User of Dark Magic, Former pupil of Mumbo Jumbo, Mechanic, Racer
Height: Small
Weight: Big
Homeplace: Spiral Mountain
Species: Human (?)

-Is a selfish, cruel, arrogant, and abusive witch
-Very evil, doesn’t really like anything cutesy and nice, especially with the Jinjos and Jiggys
-Is…very repulsive and disgusting, so much so that Brentilda tells the protagonists about her vile secrets
-Always rhyme for every sentence she makes, unless if someone she needs to work with insists to knock it off
–Since rhyming is impossible in Japanese, she has a stereotypical old woman attitude there
-Claims herself that she is beautiful until Dingpot reminded her that there is someone that is prettier and fairer (also that she is an old hag)
-Is a genius when it comes to magic and technology, performing a variety of magic and machines that hinder the productivity of everyone but herself

Arsenal-Abilities by VultureDuck

4th Wall Awareness
-Like the other characters, Gruntilda is aware that she is in a game as well as other media, and will reference them when she gets the chance
-In the first game, she will actually erase the save file if many cheats are implemented 

Magic Projectiles
-Is able to fire her magic like dodgeballs, intended to exterminate the things she hates
-Can change the speed of the shoots
-Can launch small, fiery meteors
-Can launch homing shots that will never stop chasing its target
-Can fire a massive magic projectile that can destroy Banjo’s house, kill Bottles the Mole, and even break the Hag 1 into pieces
-Can fire small, blue projectiles that are very fast and can be fire at a rapid pace

Magic Shield

-Can form a shield around her to protect herself from attacks
–Not even Banjo and Kazooie can put a dent on it
-The Jinjos and the Jinjinator needed a good amount of tackles to destroy it

Magic Mirror
-A mirror on her lair that will answer her questions, or at least, give her the hard truth
-Talks by taking the form of the user’s reflection
-Can even break itself into pieces

Grunty's Furnace Fun
-Seems to be a fan of quiz shows, as many of the games have her host Quiz Shows for the Bird and Bear
-Most of her questions involve the location, sound, or character of any world; she will also talk about anything involving items and game hubs
-While battling in the Hag 1, she will sometimes pop out of the Tank to question Banjo & Kazooie, getting the answer right will make Grunty fire her magic slower, answering it wrong will have her fire the opposite speed
-In Grunty’s Revenge, having Banjo and Kazooie doing her Quiz Show powered her robot suit up
Furnace Fun is a game show involving different trails of squares with each having a set of questions, minigames, and Grunty’s secrets; below it is a pit full of lava
–If the contestant answers correctly, they will proceed, answer wrongly and they will take damage; If they answer wrong will standing on a skull space, they will fall down to the lava pit
–If the contestant answers a question correctly while standing on a Joker space, they will obtain a Joker Card, which allows them to skip a space
*During the quiz, Banjo and Kazooie’s abilities are disabled except their basic jump
Tower of Tragedy is like a normal quiz show, which three people can participate, with each having a 1-ton weight above them
-The show consists of three rounds, the 1st and 2nd round will have the ton fall on the one with the lowest score, while the third round the contestant must get a score higher than the host (which is 15), the contestant winning will have the host be squished instead (Although, Gruntilda got off scott-free by claiming the win invalid)
-The contested must buzz-in the answer first if they knew or figured it out
-Correct answers give 2-points, Second guesses after the incorrect answer from another contestant give 1-point, Incorrect answers take off 2-points)

Image result for gruntilda smash spirit
Magic Broom
-A Broomstick with a face at the top of the pole
-Allows Grunty to fly at quick speeds
-Can do a charge attack, which even gives it a deranged face
-However, doing so much charge attacks will eventually wear it down for some time
-Can move and fly on its own

-A racing plane that can fly through the air
-Her plane has 5/5 Top Speed, 1/5 Acceleration, and 1/5 Handling
-Can also be used for Dog Fights, as the planes can shoot red projectiles at a rapid rate
-Can fire Naval Minds from the back
-Can use items to attack other players or give them a boost
-Can take giant Eggs, Electrical Sphereswashing machinesthundercloudsCannonballsTornadosgiant vials, and giant eggs
>Golden Feathers
-Grants them invincibility and a speed boost for a limited time
>Mingy Jonjo’s Head
-Flashes a purple light for a split second and temporarily disables all the other racers
>Turbo Trainers
-Gives a short speed burst for a limited time
>Saucer of Peril
-A UFO projectile that homes in on a target in first place and crashes into them
>Fire Egg
-Homes in on the nearest racer and crashes into them
>Ice Egg
-Forms into a giant ice cube and drops it behind the plane, waiting to get hit by a racer so they would crash
-If they still hold the cube behind them, they can use it to shield them from projectiles

Rocket Booth
-Installed a rocket on her booth to fly away and escape

Hag 1
-A massive drill tank possessing great power and technology
-Can spin its drill to pierce through the stone in Spiral Mountain
-Caused mass destruction and scattered the poor Jinjos while mowing towards Jinjo Village
-Not even the Bird and Bear duo can harm it
-Is equipped with lasers at the end and back, and she can circle around to try to hit her enemies
-Has a Mortar cannon on the back, which fires a large missile to the ground and shoots out a spread of three needles
-Though sometimes the tank will stop moving for a while
-Can have the tank stop completely by destroying the batteries inside the tank, and unfortunately, it has a small entrance at the back
-Can send out her minions inside the tank to help her take out the nuisances
-Can release a poisonous gas that is a mixture of cyanide and mustard gas
-In the battle at the top of the castle, there is a large barrier so that no one will escape (Whether if it is a magic barrier or made out of a certain material is unknown)

-A trailer that is used to care the Loco Coco
-Can ram into things in the back with no problem

Glubber Gater
-A ship-like vehicle in the shape of an alligator
-Can float and race on water
-Has a turret on the back of her seat to fire projectiles at her foes

Wreckin Spider
-A spider mech and can bounce around with its springy legs
-Used to cause havoc on Banjo Land
-Has a cannon on the top to fire big explosives

Goalie Lobster
-A vehicle in the shape of a lobster
-Has giant, mitten-like hands as claws
-The body  is covered in curvy thorns
-Can travel underwater without needing air
-Usually makes high leaps out of the water and dives back down, creating ring-shaped waves that can push Banjo and his vehicle

Laser Triangle
-A vehicle in the shape of a triangle
-Can cloak itself invisible and can fly in the air with propellors
-Has a built-in laser on the tip that can destroy giant billiard balls
-Seems that the vehicle can repair itself after breaking apart

Unpleasant Fat Oaf
-A flying ship that fuels on gas and destroys the ozone
-Is capable of becoming invisible
-Has a horn that can create a wind current blow away anything, even Banjo’s vehicles

Monster Truck
-A battle truck with a turret at the back of the seat to shoot out projectiles at foes
-Is useless underwater

Pirate Galleon
-A pirate ship that is used for, of course, underwater combat
-Can fire missiles at the tip of the ship, homing torpedos, and navel mines surrounding the water

Stealth Attack
-A vehicle that turns invisible
fire homing breegull-shaped homing rockets
-Is useless underwater

-A pyramid-shaped fortress that is known to be defensive
Can shoot out missiles and white-colored bombs
-Has lasers and flamethrowers
-Doesn’t seem to move but it can jump

-A flying vehicle similar to her Magic broom
-Has a laser mounted on the top of the pole
-Can fire homing breegull-shaped homing rockets and cannonballs
-Can heal the vehicle if she doesn’t get constantly hit by attacks

Beauty Transfer Machine
-A machine that swaps the beauty of the subjects inside the pods
-Used to make Gruntilda a looker and Tooty to a hideous beast

Image result for b.o.b banjo and kazooieRelated image
-A dangerous satellite tank that can drain up any life force, whether it be creatures, plant-life, and even materials
-Can use the life-force to bring Gruntilda’s body back
-Has an auto-targeting system, which allows her to fire at a particular area or person in no time
-Can zombify the target
-Every time it fires, it has a charge-up time that could take hours to fire again
-Has a button that could shoot out the lifeforce it stored
–Can un-zombify a target or bring them back to life

-Gruntilda cannot be killed off easily, as she has always survived from very intense stuff and she will come back with a vengeance
-Still lives even if her body is reduced to a skeleton after being buried alive for two years
-Is still alive even if she is nothing but a skull
–When she is reduced to a skull, she can still move by hopping around

-Can actually view particular areas in a world, no matter how far away it is
–Though this might be thanks to Dingpot, revealing his visions from his liquid contents
-Gave Napper a scolding right when he failed to guard the Jiggy against Banjo and Kazooie
-Will mock the duo constantly during their travels in her lair
-Seems to know that Jingaling gave Banjo and Kazooie a Jiggy
-Introduced the minigames in Banjo-Tooie and told them how to play them

Seal Spell
-Witchcraft that prevents others from entering different passageways and worlds
-Objects with powerful magic, like Jiggys, can break them

Song Spell
-A spell that that summons Note Doors to shut passageways from anyone, with the key being to collect the exact amount of Musical Notes
-Many doors vary in power, as some need more Musical Notes than others

-In the N-Gang comic, Gruntilda used her magic to turn Toni and VIP into hotdogs
-Is able to turn Mumbo Jumbo’s head into a skull

-In Banjo Pilot, was able to force Mumbo Jumbo to do her bidding by ruling his mind

Time Travel
-In Grunty’s Revenge, is capable of traveling back in time
-Can take anyone back in time with her, like Kazooie

Touch Prevention Spell
-In Grunty’s Revenge, Grunty can cast spells on people that will prevent them from touching specific objects
-Her spell was able to prevent the Jiggy Priests from touching the Jiggies

Grunty's Ghost
Spirit Form
-In Grunty’s Revenge, Grunty has a spell that can remove her soul from her body
-As a spirit, she can phase through the boulder that gave her trouble and can possess the Mecha Grunty
-If her soul is defeated, then she will be forced to go back to her original body

Spirit Duplication
-Can create two copies of herself as they all can scatter around
-If Banjo attacks one of the fakes, he will take damage and the fake souls will be brought back again

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Mecha Grunty
-A mechanical body created by Klungo so Grunty can escape from being buried alive
-Is capable of flight even without her magic broom
-Should be more durable and powerful than Gruntilda’s original body
–Was given a strength upgrade by Klungo
-Can still shoot many magical projectiles, as well as homing ones
-Can generate an energy shield that not only protects her but hits, but can also try to ram her enemies with it
–Can also fly up and slam down above her unfortunate target, using her weight as well as the shield to do the work
>Jumbo-Mecha Grunty
-A massive version of Mecha Grunty
-Has the size and weight, but it seems that it can only do flight and projectiles
-It has weak spots on her hands, chin, the side on her right, the top of her hat, and the bottom center of her belly
–If all of the weak spots are destroyed, the giant mech sinks 

-Her magic and broomstick can damage Banjo and Kazooie
-Her most powerful magic can destroy a house, turn a giant tank into pieces, and can kill the average joe
-Can slightly move a boulder
-While she is nothing but a head, she can move a bunch of small rocks that were burying her
-Can kick Piddles at a pretty far distance
-In the comic, she carried Bottles with just one arm

-Can take hits from Banjo and Kazooie, who can break stone and can leave giant enemies in pain
–Can take many eggs shot from Kazooie, whether it be Fire Eggs, Ice Eggs, or Grenade Eggs
-Can take a tackle from the Jinjinator
-Even after falling down from the top of her lair, crashing into the ground (Creating an overweight witch-shaped floor on the process), and have a massive boulder trap inside, she survived and her response was to move the boulder
-Is not affected by a poison that is mixed with cyanide and mustard gas (Though that might be because she is a skeleton in that fight
-Was able to survive a kitty assault from Piddles
-In the comic, can get crushed by Quarrie the Boulder, and is still fine afterward
-In Nuts & Bolts, can probably withstand missiles, torpedos, bombs, flamethrowers, and lasers

-Not that great, can barely catch-up to Mumbo Jumbo
-With her Broomstick, can keep up with the Bird and Bear duo
-Her soul form can run away from Banjo and Kazooie
-Her vehicles can keep up with Banjo’s vehicles

-Kidnapped Banjo’s little sister, Tooty, so that she can steal her beauty
-Imprisoned many of the Jinjo by leaving them stranded on random locations; Five Jinjos each world
-Has battled and given trouble to Banjo and Kazooie multiple times
-No matter how many times she lost, she will come back with a vengeance
-Was revived from the dead thanks to her two sisters, Mingella and Brentilda
-Ripped off the pages of Cheatos and spread them around in many areas in revenge for helping her two most hated animals
-Hosted quiz shows for the main duo more than once, which she is surprisingly fair and will give them the chance to complete them
-Was taught how to use magic by Mumbo Jumbo, and her thanks for him were cursing him
-Killed Bottles and reduced King Jingaling into a zombie
-Kidnapped Kazooie and send her back to the past
-Kidnapped and enslaved the Breegulls in the past
-Not only has her own lair infested with many of her minions and other monsters, but also has her own ship and an industrial factory
-Throughout the games, had her minions to roam around and cause havoc to the many worlds
-Caused trouble in the Bottles Grand Prix
-Attempted some devious schemes in Nuts & Bolts, such as:
–Stealing the Loco Coco
–Having Piddles pollute the Glubber by…taking her time on the tank
–Cause havoc to Banjo Land
–Flooding the Jiggosseum (Which she succeded)
–Destroying giant Billard Balls
–Polluting the plants with her gas infused UFO
–Wanting to turn Spiral Mountain into an Industrial Site
*Used her magic to turn the SXSW Die into pieces

-Without her magic and vehicles, her physicality is pitiful
-Her vehicles can be destroyed, and in the Magic Broom and Hag 1’s case, will stop for a while after she uses it too much
–Mecha Grunty and Jumbo Mecha Grunty can be destroyed also
-When it comes to quizzes, she seems to be fair about it
–Even then there is a chance where the opponent will not honor the quizzes and just try to strike her immediately
-She can accidentally drop her own magic attacks and injure herself and her machines
-Can’t really do much as a head

“The time has come to end this game, the future cannot be the same. To your destruction you race, of bear and bird I’ll leave no trace! My victory will be most splendid, when I rule all and your life’s ended!”

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