Banjo and Kazooie gets JIGGY with DEATH BATTLE!

Banjoo  Kazooie by VultureDuck

First Appearance: Diddy Kong Racing (November, 21 1997), Banjo & Kazooie (June 29, 1998)
Occupation: Adventurers, Racers
Homeplace: Spiral Mountain  
Species: Honey Bear (Banjo), Breegull (Kazooie)

-Banjo is Humble, easy-going, well-mannered, and calm, albeit somewhat lazy
–Will tend to stop or call out Kazooie for her rude behavior
-Kazooie is a sassy, loud-mouthed, rude, and rash little birdie
–Will speak what is in her mind, and will wisecrack or insult a person if she gets the chance
–Is not above cheating, as shown in their poker game with Bottles and Mumbo (Shown above)
–She does have standards, like her reaction towards Terry’s remark of blowing up his biggest child to make more space (He was joking, he’s not that kind of parent)
-Despite their clashing personalities, they both really care about each other; example being when they have separated far away, they will say that they miss them or that they know they would never leave each other
-Both show distaste towards Gruntilda
-Both will show bravery and determined to go on an adventure if it means saving or avenging the ones they care about
-They have good memories, as they are able to complete quizzes based on characters, sounds, and worlds they have visited

-Banjo can dog paddle in he is above water while Kazooie can help Banjo swim underwater
–In Nuts & Bolts, Banjo is shown to swim underwater
-If Kazooie is separated by Banjo, then she can turn her feathers into propellers that make her swim even faster
-Has the guts to swim in sewer water

-Can effortlessly climb up on things like trees and wooden verticle poles

Expert Driver
-Though out the games, he is able to drive and race with vehicles like cars, planes, minecarts, sleighs, and even a wind-up mouse
-Is able to compete with the likes of Sonic, Diddy Kong, Wizpig, Trophy Tomas, and Canary Mary

-Banjo’s Best friend and most valuable asset in the game
-Is faster and more nimble than Banjo
-Has an impressive digestive system, as she is able to swallow a golden puzzle piece with one gulp, as well as keeping a bunch of eggs inside of her body
-Can carry many eggs inside of her mouth
-Can act like a tool, a firearm, or even a torpedo
-Can so many items and abilities to help Banjo access and explore new terrains
-Can also be like a jackhammer

Image result for banjo kazooie backpack
-A bag that Banjo always wear on his back
-Used to carry Kazooie
-Has Hammer-space qualities, which means it can carry EVERYTHING
-Can also be used as a melee weapon

Banjo & Horn
-Musical Instruments that they can play with
-Can may or may not use them as weapons

Magic Wrench
-A special wrench that can be used to create vehicles
-Can replace parts and/or design of existing vehicles in no time
-Can wack enemies with it, mostly by doing a spin attack
-Can also levitate objects
–Is able to carry or flip up objects
–Can even carry a giant, and already filled up, trash can
-Is even capable of summoning their vehicles
-In Sonic & SEGA All-Star Racing, can use its magic to rain down giant jiggys from above

Blue Egg Nest
-Blue colored-eggs that Kazooie can use to fire like projectiles
-Can even home in on enemies
-Can carry 100 of these

Fire Nest
Fire Eggs
-Eggs made out of molten magma that does more damage than normal eggs and can burn enemies
-Can also melt ice
-Cam carry 50 of them

Ice Nest
Ice Eggs
-Eggs made out of ice that can freeze enemies or objects and can extinguish fire (even large ones)
-Does more damage towards fire enemies
-Can carry 50 of them

Battery egg nest

Battery Eggs
-Eggs infused with electricity that is used to shock enemies
-Can carry 15 of them 

Grenade Nest
Grenade Eggs
-Explosive projectiles that do 3x the damage of a normal Egg
-Can carry 50 of them

Clockwork Kazooie NestClockwork Kazooie
Clockwork Eggs
-If Kazooie shoots these eggs and it makes contact, it will hatch into a small, robotic Kazooie that will trot around and will explode after a few seconds or if Kazooie detonates it beforehand
-Can pick up items for them
-Can carry 10 of them

Golden Egg Nest
Golden Eggs
-Act as regular eggs, only that she can fire them at a rapid-fire rate
-However, the eggs collected acts as a time limit, so they cannot hold onto them and keep them for later, and thus have to find them in the area in order to use them

Related image
Red Feathers
-Feathers that have the same color as Kazooie
-Can help Kazooie fly
-Can carry 100 of them

Golden Feathers
-Feathers of gold that can give Banjo & Kazooie invincibility, however activating said invincibility will drain the feathers one by one, acting as a time limit
-Can carry 10 of them
-Can carry 25 of them (Grunty’s Revenge)

Wading Boots
-Special kinds of boots Kazooie can wear to trot through the hazardous terrain without any issue like Dragunda water and superheated sand
-Though, makes Kazooie slower 
-Has a time limit

Turbo trainers
Turbo Trainers
-Special kinds of boots Kazooie can wear to run even faster and even can dash across water
-Lasts 10-15 seconds

Springy Step Shoes
-Special kinds of boots Kazooie can wear to jump even higher than the Shock Jump Spring
-Gone after one use

BT ClawClamberBoots
Claw Clamber Boots
-Special kinds of boots Kazooie can wear to run up walls
-Gone after one use

-Collectible health power-ups Banjo can pick up from defeated enemies (from his game) or from Beehives
-A variant, called Skill Stop Honeycomb, can heal his health at a certain amount depending on the timing
-Another variant, called Random Stop Honeycomb, can heal a certain amount of health at random

Image result for banjo kazooie transformations
-Is able to transform into different animals or objects, each having different properties
-Is only activated by Mumbo’s magic or Wumbo’s magic pool

Mumbo’s Transformations
-Can climb up on steep ledges/hills and can easily sink underwater
-Is able to move freely around hazardous swamp water and can go through narrow passageways
-Is used to play Mr. Vile’s game, which is eating the most Yumblies
-Can move freely around freezing water without punishment
-Used to fit in a sleigh to race Boggy

-Moves by bouncing; can move freely around steep slopes, go through narrow entrances (even ones that are smaller than him)
-Can breathe underwater
-Is not affected by sharp thorns
-Has infinite flight
-Can shoot red projectiles at a quick rate
-Can go through narrow passageways and nibble on things
-Is strong enough to break metal chains
-Can light up dark places as well as doing a flaming somersault attack that can burn or melt things
-Can swim through hazardous water without punishment
-Can shoot out water bullets
-Can break through metal doors
-Its metal feet can pass through hazards with little issue
-Can fire tank rockets

Wumba’s Transformations
-Is made out of stone and can do a charge attack
-Can be used to play kickball
-Bounces around and can create explosions by activating itself
-These explosions are strong enough to destroy a giant metal cage, rocks, and wooden crates
-However, every time he explodes, he takes damage
-Can also activate ropes from TNT or other explosives
-Can drift away and can destroy enemies by charging at them 
-Can drive through lava with little issue
-Can keep coins in its trunk
-Can swim around water fast with its propeller and can shoot missiles at enemies
-Has a
 Sonar Ping attack for close range
-Used to battle Lord Woo Fak Fak
>Baby T-Rex
-Is able to do a small or loud roar
>Daddy T-Rex
-An adult size T-Rex that can trample smaller enemies
-Can create an even bigger and louder roar
>Washing Machine
-Used to wash clothes
-Can attack by shooting underwear
-Can move freely around pools of oil
-Can roll around and grow in size whenever he rolls around snow
-Attacks enemies by charging forward while big in size

Dragon Kazooie3
Dragon Kazooie
-A special transformation from Wumba that transforms Kazooie into a dragon
-Is able to breathe out fire
-Also has an infinite amount of Fire Eggs
-Can transform back to her ordinary for if she dives into Wumba’s magic pool again

-After giving the sheets back to Cheto, he gives them Cheats at the Mayahem Temple
-Can be Toggled ON and OFF at the said Temple
-Gives Banjo & Kazooie unique buffs permanently as long as they are toggled on
-It’s up to the writer to include this or not
>Double Maximum Feathers
-Doubles the maximum amount of feathers
>Double Maximum Eggs
-Doubles the maximum amount of feathers
>No Energy Loss From Falling
-Becomes immune to fall damage
>Automatic Energy Regain
-Gradually restores health
>Jolly’s Jukebox
-Activates the Sound Test in the Juke Box from Jolly Roger’s Bay

Non-Physical Contact
-Is capable of harming ghosts
-Can even do damage to Gruntilda’s soul

4th-Wall Awareness
-Both Banjo and Kazooie are aware that they are from videogames, and will reference their previous games as well as other video game characters (Like a certain Italian Plumber)

-Used to compete at the Bottles Grand Prix
-A racing plane that can fly through the air
-Banjo’s Plane has 3/5 Top Speed, 3/5 Acceleration, and 2/5 Handling
-Kazooie also has her own plane, which has 2
/5 Top Speed, 3/5 Acceleration, and 4/5 Handling
-Can also be used for Dog Fights, as the planes can shoot red projectiles at a rapid rate
-Banjo can also shoot out washing machines with parachutes from behind
-Kazooie can also fire giant eggs from behind
-Can use items to attack other players or give them a boost
-Can take giant Eggs, Electrical Spheres, washing machines, thundercloudsCannonballsTornadosgiant vials, and naval mines
>Golden Feathers
-Grants them invincibility and a speed boost for a limited time
>Mingy Jonjo’s Head
-Flashes a purple light for a split second and temporarily disables all the other racers
>Turbo Trainers
-Gives a short speed burst for a limited time
>Saucer of Peril
-A UFO projectile that homes in on a target in first place and crashes into them
>Fire Egg
-Homes in on the nearest racer and crashes into them
>Ice Egg
-Forms into a giant ice cube and drops it behind the plane, waiting to get hit by a racer so they would crash
-If they still hold the cube behind them, they can use it to shield them from projectiles

Race Car/Plane/Hovercraft
-Used to race them in Diddy Kong Racing, where he can race the likes of Diddy Kong, Taj, T.T., and even Wizpig
-The car has ground mobility, the plane has air mobility, and the hovercraft has water mobility
-Can still race even being hit by lava, rolling boulders, snowballs, and even dinosaurs
-Can use items to help him in the race, they can be collected from different colored balloons, and if he collects more than one of the same color, the item can be upgraded
>Red Balloons
-Can equip a missile to fire at a racer
-Collecting two red balloons allow the user to fire a larger homing missile
-Collecting three red balloons allow the user to be equipped with ten missiles
>Blue Balloons
-Gives the user a speed boost
-Collecting two blue balloons gives a stronger boost 
-Collecting three blue balloons gives an even stronger boost 
>Green Balloons
-Summons an oil slick or a gas cloud behind to give racers trouble
-Collecting two green balloons summons a land mine or a floating mine
-Collecting three green balloons summons a snare bubble that can trap racers for a significant time
>Yellow Balloons
-Summons a shield that protects the user from hits for a short time
-Collecting two yellow balloons makes the shield last longer
-Collecting three yellow balloons makes the shield last even longer and can hit other racers upon contact
>Rainbow Balloons
-Summons a short-range magnetic pull that can bring a racer in front towards the user
-Collecting two rainbow balloons increases the field’s pull and range
-Collecting three rainbow balloons increases the pull even more and can magnetize racers with unlimited range

Bolt Bucket
-Used to race with Sonic and other Sega characters
-Can still race even after being hit by the hazards in the tracks
-Can do flips and tricks after jumping off ramps
-Can boost by igniting the exhaust pipes
-Can use items that can help them in the race
>Magic Horn
-Can create a destructive soundwave around the user, attacking and flipping anyone that touches it
>Speed Shoes
-Gives a speed boost and can tackle through opponents and obstacles in the way
-Can have a set of three
>Confusion Star
-Targets a racer and confuses them, also briefly spins out
>Manual Rocket
-A homing rocket that can flip a racer when hit
-Can have a set of three
>Energy Shield
-A force field that can protect the user from a single hit
-A motion-sensor mine that activates upon contact with a racer
-Will explode after a certain period of time
-Can have a set of three
>K.O. Glove
-A projectile glove that can bounce off the side of tracks
-Can have a set of three
>Pocket Rainbow
-A trap that can obscure the other racers’ view with multi-dazzling colors
>Giant Rocket
-A giant rocket that flies down the center of the track, the user can activate a button to detonate it 
>Bowling Bomb
-A big bomb that the user can throw as it rolls forward
>Jiggy Rain
-Banjo and Kazooie’s All-Star move
-Kazooie pops out of the backpack and wields the Magical Wrench staff to rain down giant Jiggy pieces around the track

File:BK Carrito MK1.jpg
-Used to travel around Showdown Town as well as other stages
-Can also carry objects to destinations
-Can switch around different vehicles in no time
-While standing on the Trolly, he can use the Magic Wrench to pick up both the Trolly and themselves for a limited time
-Has high grip wheels that can go up steep slopes
-Has floaters that allow it to float on water
-Has springs that make it able to jump
-Has a scuba set that allows Banjo & Kazooie to breathe underwater
-Can fire a powerful laser
-Carries a horn that is used to scare off ghosts

Vehicle Parts
-Has a variety of parts that they can use to either replace parts from the Trolly or create new vehicles
-Creation can range from cars, planes, boats, and even motorcycles
-Each part has different stats and/or properties Huh? No list this time? Guess he’s gotten too lazy and decided to let the video above speak for itself. Smart move, honestly, because if he keeps sitting on his bum with his laptop, he would’ve beaten Boggy at being the world’s largest Fata- Kazooie!!

Double Jump
-After Banjo jumps, Kazooie will immediately pop out and flap her wings, giving Banjo extra height and distance

FlapFlip Jump
-A high back-flip that gives great vertical air with the help of Kazooie

Forward Roll
-Self-Explanatory; does a forward roll that can attack enemies

Banjo Clawswipe
Claw Swipe
-Considering that he is a bear, he can attack by swiping his claws

Rat-A-Tat Rap
-An ariel attack where Kazooie pecks forward three times

Becky Barge
-Banjo crouches as Kazooie stretches her beak, performing a thrusting forward attack

Talon Trot
-Kazooie has Banjo laying down on her back as she trots around
-Is way faster than Banjo’s running speed
-Can freely run around steep slopes

Beak Buster
-Kazooie stretches her beak downward as she slams to the ground

Beak Bomb
-An ariel attack that makes Kazooie rocket forward like some sort of missile

Egg Shoot
-Kazooie’s preferred long-distanced attack
-Kazooie can shoot out eggs out of her mouth…or out of her rear
>Egg Aim
-Can know aim at any direction rather than forward

Flight Pad 
-While standing on the Flight Pad, it allows Kazooie to fly
-Can sacrifice one Red Feather from their collection to rise up, and she does it as many times as she wants (as long as she has enough Red Feathers to spend)
*In the SXSW Gaming Awards Demo, Kazooie can fly as much as we want without needing Red Feathers or even a pad
*In Banjo-Tooie, Kazooie c
an fly as much as we want without needing feathers or even a pad in the Ballon Burst Game

Shock Jump Pad
Shock Jump Spring
-While standing on a Shock Spring Pad, Kazooie leans down and then performs a high jump (Higher than a FlapFlip Jump)
*In Smash Brothers Ultimate, It’s his Up Special, where they magically summons if on below them out of nowhere

-Kazooie does a blocking motion with her wings as they surround themselves in a yellow aura as they activate the power of the Golden Feathers, making them invincible
-This will drain the Golden Feathers
*In Smash Bros. Ultimate, Banjo & Kazooie can also use it to do a bull charge attack

Breegull Blaster
-Holds Kazooie like a rifle as he raises her legs to fire eggs out of her mouth (In a machine-gun rate)

Breegull Bayonet
-While in Breegull Blaster mode, Banjo does a forward thrust with Kazooie, like a Bayonet

Breegull Bash
-Grabs Kazooie by the legs and slams her to the ground, acting like a club

Bill Drill
-Kazooie stretches her beak down as she spins wildly and slams down, acting like some sort of dive-bombing drill
-Is strong enough to destroy giant boulders
-Can be used to unscrewing giant bolts

Talon Torpedo
-Only works underwater
-Kazooie gets out of the backpack as she swims like a torpedo, fitting as she can charge forward like one

Split Up
-Both can split from each other as each one can travel through areas by themselves
-Both have unique moves when separated 

Pack Wack
-Banjo must be separated to perform this
-Banjo can swing his backpack at a 360-degree angle

Taxi Pack
-Banjo must be separated to perform this
-Banjo can pick up anyone and anything with his backpack and can explore anywhere while he is holding them/it
-Thanks to hammerspace, Banjo can move normally, even if the person/object weighs more than him

Snooze Pack
-Banjo must be separated to perform this
-Banjo can get inside his backpack as he takes a snooze, regenerating his health overtime
-It does leave him open though

Shack Pack
-Banjo must be separated to perform this
-Banjo can get inside his backpack as he can still walk around
-Is able to sink into and wander through hazardous water without any punishment, such as super hot water or toxic waste

Sack Pack
-Banjo must be separated to perform this
-Banjo can get inside his backpack as he hops around 
-Can get through hazardous terrain without injury

Wing Wack
-Kazooie must be separated to perform this
-Can attack enemies by stretching out her wings and spins around like a top
-Can get horizontal distance while on the air

-Kazooie must be separated to perform this
-Can lay on top of an egg as she can make it hatch in a few seconds

Leg Spring
-Kazooie must be separated to perform this
-Does an impressive backflip that gives more height than the FlapFlip Jump

-Kazooie must be separated to perform this
-Kazooie stretches out her wings in the air as she glides forward to reach better distances or go through longer gaps

-Banjo & Kazooie’s Final Smash
-Was how they defeated Grunty in their first battle
-The Jinjonater awakens from its stony nap as it flies up to the air and proceeds to bombard the opponent with fast and devastating ariel strikes at many directions, it ends with the Jinjonater assembling four colored Jinjos as it gives one more powerful blow, stabbing the opponent with its beak mouth

-Can turn giant carrots and onions into pieces
-Can knock enemies senseless with his backpack
-Can carry his backpack with Kazooie inside with no problem
-Can K.O. a pretty big bird in one hit
-Can lift a golden statue almost taller than himself
-Can defeat small looking dinosaurs
-Banjo alone is able to harm Klungo and Mecha-Grunty
In Nuts & Bolts, Banjo’s vehicle can carry an extra life, which is a golden statue of himself 

Kazooie is capable of:
-Carrying Banjo on her back with no problem
–In fact, is still faster than Banjo
-Defeating enemies by using her own wings
–Can even destroy wooden crates
-Destroying massive boulders into pieces 
-Can defeat many enemies bigger than them with one attack
-Is able to leave a bull unconscious
-Can hurt Conga by shooting eggs
-Can destroy giant crabs, giant clams, and giant tombstones into pieces
-Can break wooden crates, wooden doors, windows, wooden coffin top huts, and treasure chests into pieces
–Can destroy a giant wooden crate boss
-Can destroy giant ice cubes into pieces
-Can break a giant egg into pieces
-Can turn around a giant key from a lock used to keep Clanker
-Can cause Clanker’s golden teeth (two of them) to fall apart by shooting an egg
-Can force Gorbi to spit out water (and even a golden honeycomb) by slamming his hump
-Can destroy spider webs using eggs
-Can detach metal gates apart
-Make columns shake by hitting them
-Can damage King Coal, a giant Coal Monster, using eggs, which can detach his limbs and his upper body
–Can also cause his lower body to explode
-K.O.d the massive sized Pterodactyl, Terry
-Can damage Gruntilda, who can survive a long fall from the top of her lair
-Can damage a giant mechanized Gruntilda using eggs

-Can take a bull charge
-Can take an orange in the face by Conga
-Can survive from long falls
-Can take small meteor-like blasts and magic blasts from Gruntilda
–Grunty’s magic blasts turned Banjo’s house into a crisp and was able to kill Bottles
-Is non-affected hot and cold climates, like Freezeezy Peak, Gobi’s Valley, The Winter Season in Click Clock Wood, King Coal’s battlefield (which is inside a boiler), The Inferno, and both sides of Hailfire Peaks
–Is still able to move after taking a dip of freezing water 
–Will jump up immediately out of pain when his body touches lava
–Can take being burned inside a red-hot oven
–Can take being charged by King Coal, a boss that is made out of heated coal
–Can stand on molten ground
–Can take fire from Welder, the massive welding torch
-Can take the weight of the massive Welder
-Is only damage from a dip of radioactive waste
-Can withstand being stung by bees
-Can tank explosions from TNT boxes and even from naval mines
-Can still fight back even being bonked by giant mallets or wrenches
-Can survive being crushed by a trash compactor
-Can tale Terry’s spit attacks
-Can survive being stomped by a giant dinosaur
-Can take electrical shocks
-Taken hits from the Hag 1, which has laser beams and missile
–Breathed long enough to majorly damage Gruntilda before the combination of cyanide and mustard gas get to them
-Is able to take a burning boulder crashing down, which is powerful enough to destroy this stony structure 
*Can take claws snaps from giant crabs, a chomp from a shark, and a bite from a venus flytrap
*Is only damage from a grinder, which can easily shed through stone (He doesn’t go inside it just to clarify)
*In the SXSW Gaming Awards demo, he is able to take being inside a tornado

-Can escape from Snacker
-Can keep up with jumping poison dart frogs, giant dragonflies, and pterodactyl-like enemies 
-Can run away from bees
-Can dodge Gruntilda charging at them like a missile with her flying broom
-Can dodge small meteor-like blasts and magic blasts from Gruntilda
-Can dodge darts aimed at them
-Can run away from Terry and dodge his spitting attack
-Can run from a massive dinosaur stomp
-Can dodge cannonballs

-Saved Tootie from the grips of Gruntilda
-Explored around Gruntilda’s Lair, arranging puzzle pieces and exploring new worlds
-Collected all of the Jiggys and Jinjos from every world
-Showed Nipper, the giant hermit crab, who’s boss
-Given Blubber’s treasure back to him
-Helped Clanker breath fresh air and remove his toothaches
-Completed a rhythm-memory game
-Made Boggy barf out a puzzle piece which allows him to move, given his children their gifts, and beaten him in a sleigh race
-Saved Trunker from shriveling by watering him
-Destroyed a boulder for Gnawty 
-Fed caterpillars to Eyrie 
-Offered Nabnut acorns for winter
-Beaten many of Grunty’s minigame challenges
-Beaten Grunty’s Furnace Fun, which involves questions and challenges based on the worlds they have traveled
–In the sequel, won Grunty’s Tower of Tragedy Quiz show, which lead to the deaths of Mingella and Bobbelda
-Defeated Klungo thrice, who is Grunty’s crony 
-Killed many flies to save Borniva’s crops
-Became the Mayan Kickball Champion
-Saved Canary Mary from being locked inside a birdcage
–Beaten her at many races
-Saved the trapped Dilberta
-Helped Mrs. Boggy bring the kids back to her
-Protected Chris P. Bacon from Killer Fishes
-Broken all of the teeth of the giant fish so Merry Maggie can escape
-Fueled an alien ship and found their kids 
-Helped the Mother Triceratops kids
-Passed through the Rocknut Tribe’s armor by using the Clockwork Eggs
-Helped Chomper’s stomach problem
-Defeated Terry, the giant Pterodactyl, and after that hatched his babies for him
-Warmed up and gave food to the cavepeople in Oogle Boogle’s Cave
-Warmed Sabreman up to prevent hyperthermia 
-Brought fish to Boggy
-Took care of the germs for Guffo
-Given Dippy a pool of water to drink from
-Beaten Mr. Fit in all three events 
-Defeated Chilli Billi and Chilly Willy, Mingy Jongo, Mr. Patch, Targitzan, Weldar, and Lord Woo Fak Fak
-Unzombified King Jingaling and revived Bottles back from the dead
-Defeated Gruntilda the first time with the help of the Jinjonator 
–Fought and defeated Gruntilda again, this time driving the Hag 1
-Went back in time to save Kazooie, who was trapped in the past thanks to Mecha-Gruntilda
-Later defeated her, preventing her from changing history
-Defeated a ghost pirate and his ghost ship
-Freed all the breegulls from captivity
-Taken the Loco Coco from Gruntilda
-Beaten Nibbles in a race
-Saved the Internet
-Delivered Pizza
-Rescued the Jinjos that were wrongfully arrested, and later arrested the Minjos
-Defeated Trophy Tomas in multiple races
-Defeated Gruntilda five times and prevented her from turning Spiral Mountain into an Industrial area
*Raced with the likes of Sonic, Alex Kidd, Ryo Hazuki, and Jacky Bryant & Akira Yuki
*Can race with Diddy Kong and Conker, and is capable of racing against the bosses and even Wizpig
*Collected fragments of the SXSW die with the help of the audience
*Is finally a newcomer in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, where he now can fight the likes of Mario, Link, Kirby, Samus, Mega Man, Ryu, Cloud, Bayonetta, Simon Belmont, and The Heros from Dragon Quest

-Works better as a team
–Though, Banjo in Grunty’s Revenge seems to do fine fighting/adventuring alone at the start of the game
-Banjo himself is slow
-Transformations require outside help
-Some moves can be slow, have longer start-up times, or just leave them open
-Some moves can also be situational
-If they run out of Feathers or Eggs, then they have to find more around the area
-Are not able to collect the different shoes, and so they must find them in the area
-Some moves require specific pads to work
*In Smash Bros, he can have the Shock Jump Spring magically appear out of nowhere
-Any games after Banjo-Tooie…are not remembered or remembered fondly, we sure showed old Winkybunion again, eh, Banjo?, we certainly did.’mon, let’s get down to Bottles’ for that party. Idea.

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